What If You Could Have The BIGGEST JUMPSTART To Your Business And Bring In More Leads, Sales & Recruits Than Ever Before...

Without Walking Up To Strangers or Spamming People?

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

If you are a network marketer, direct seller, multi-level marketer or social seller and you are looking for innovative strategies that are working right now, you HAVE to grab a spot in the upcoming Back To Basics Bootcamp LIVE.

In this five day training that starts on September 9th, you will be learning:

  • Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST | Day One: Motivation & Vision | The Secret To Staying Motivated & Inspired To Work Your Business Every Single Day 
  • Tuesday, September 10th at 1pm EST| Day Two: Lead Generation | How To Generate An Unlimited Amount of Leads So You Never Run Out.  You'll Learn In Person & Online Strategies That Work.
  • Wednesday, September 11th at 1pm EST | Day Three: Booking Appointments | How To Get People Booked To Try Your Products In Person or Online
  • Thursday, September 12th at 1pm EST | Day Four: Selling & Closing | The Secrets To Selling and Closing Exponentially More Sales Online
  • Friday, September 13th at 1pm EST |Day Five: Recruiting | Recruiting New Reps In person and Online Quickly And Easily With This Simple Formula

You'll also learn how to think differently, show up differently and you'll have a game plan to follow everyday for success.

So, if you are ready to really move the needle forward in your business and have your best month ever, this is for you.  

And, I purposely made this a five day bootcamp so each day you have homework to complete to hold you accountable.  

Also, because the training does not start until September 9th, I have given you instant access to two of my best trainings for you that you can jump into right way.

The first instant access bonus you will get is my Attraction Marketing training.

This training will show you exactly how to attract more business to you using social media without having to personally reach out to everyone.

The second instant access bonus you will get is my Organized Balance training.

This training will show you exactly how I get everything done on a daily basis and how you can too.  Once you know how to get organized and balance your massive to do list, your productivity will increase ten-fold.

Why Is This Training Free?

I made this training FREE because I want everyone to be able to benefit! So if you have a friend in network marketing or direct selling, let them know about this.

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

In Case We Haven't Met...

Here is my backstory...

I'm just a shy girl from humble beginnings who never thought I'd do anything extraordinary in this life.  

Until, I heard about network marketing after reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. 

That book gave me hope that I could make a name for myself and have success in network marketing. 

So, I joined a company at the age of 22 and at the time, there was no texting and no social media.

So imagine my surprise when my upline told me to start talking to strangers at the grocery store to meet new clients.

Literally, that idea of approaching a stranger horrified me at the time.  

So, from age 22 to age 29, I struggled for six years dreaming about my business but not taking action.  Yes, six years.

And, in those six years, I got NOWHERE

I had about 5 new clients in 6 years. One was super loyal. The others disappeared over time.

You see, for six solid years, I was lost.  No plan. No clue.  No idea on what to do daily.

And then finally in the sixth year, I was FED UP ENOUGH with my lack of results and the life I was living and decided to make a change.

Want to know what changed??

Someone finally gave me a plan to follow.  

It was called MAP and it was a Meat And Potatoes Of Your Business. It was a perfect training with everything I needed. 

And that ONE training changed absolutely everything for me.

After learning those strategies, in six months, I went from leading no one to leading a team of 50.  I also gained hundreds of new clients following the strategies. And, from my efforts, I earned a free car plus over $5,000 that month. 

And it all happened in the six months after learning the strategies in that one training. 

The ONE THING that holds you back from success is this:

You need a solid plan that you can stick to and implement daily

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Couldn’t be more true.

You may have lofty goals and huge dreams. I know that because you’re reading this.

And if you’re looking for something different to really stand out and move your business forward, THIS IS IT.  

This is innovative, unique, different and it will get your business going.  

And it worked for me and more importantly, it worked for my team.  

We became a top selling-team in the world and were recognized for our efforts on a billboard in New York's Times Square.

So, today, I have made it my mission to show other network marketers how to achieve a level of success that you deserve.  And you deserve far more than you ever dreamed.

So the Back To Basics Bootcamp is this: It is a 5 day online training event with me, Michelle Cunningham.  

Save These Dates & Times:

  • ​Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST | Motivation & Vision
  • Tuesday, September 10th at 1pm EST | Lead Generation
  • ​Wednesday, September 11th at 1pm EST | Booking Appointments
  • ​Thursday, September 12th at 1pm EST | Selling & Closing
  • ​Friday, September 13th at 1pm EST | Recruiting
YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

In addition:

It's LIVE so you'll be able to ask me questions if you need clarity.

The training is jam-packed with actionable strategy so you can get into action immediately after the training each day.

Here's a look at what you will be taking away from the training:

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

What will you be learning in this 
5 Day Bootcamp?

I'll share TONS of NEW and UNIQUE strategies you can use right now to get results.

And, I always taught my team innovative strategies which is why we were a top team in the nation. 

We used scripts, emails, texts and strategies that worked. We tested scripts and emails on tens of thousands of people to absolutely perfect our results. It was such a fun game to see how we could optimize our success by changing just two words in a text.

And, now, I'm giving it ALL to you in a five day bootcamp with tons of scripts and strategies.

What makes this training different?

Because I have been an in person rep and an online rep, I will be teaching both strategies.

I recognized we are in a new world where some people can go out and do home parties and others may not be able to. So, I'll be showing you both ways. You'll learn how to succeed in person or virtually. And being well-versed in both strategies matters more than ever today.

In addition, instead of this being another training that ends up in your training graveyard of videos you haven't had a chance to watch, I decided to make this quick each day, so you get 30 minutes to an hour of daily motivation and then an action plan to follow for the day. 

I have jam-packed this with all the helpful tips you can use right away, so you can have your best year ever. It's a training that is super fast, easy and duplicatable for your team.

So, what's the next step?

Click the green button right here. 

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

Once you click the button, you'll be able to sign up for 5 Day Back To Basics Bootcamp LIVE.

You can watch it LIVE and ask questions and Michelle will answer them in real time.

You just need to add it to your calendar and show up at that time if you want to catch the live.  

We will also send you out email reminders! 

Here are the dates for your calendar:

  • ​Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST | Motivation & Vision
  • Tuesday, September 10th at 1pm EST | Lead Generation
  • ​Wednesday, September 11th at 1pm EST | Booking Appointments
  • ​Thursday, September 12th at 1pm EST | Selling & Closing
  • ​Friday, September 13th at 1pm EST | Recruiting

You can catch the final training LIVE: Saturday, February 5th at 1pm to 3pm EST

And Michelle will be available live in the chat during the training to answer any and all questions that come through.  This format allows for the training to be concise while your questions are answered in real time.

What Are You Waiting For?

The only thing standing between you and the success you deserve is a beautiful brand.

So now it’s up to you.

You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of pitching uninterested people, facing lots of frustrating rejection, and taking years to discover the key to building a business that gives you freedom.

Michelle Cunningham is a 17-year veteran of the network marketing industry and built a massive downline that produced 8-figure in team sales.

As an introvert from humble beginnings, her mission is to show anyone how to succeed no matter what your story looks like.

She is the international best-selling author of Do It Anyway, Girl | A Playful, Simple, Unique Guide To Achieving Success in Network Marketing on Amazon.  You can catch Michelle's training on her Youtube Channel, Facebook, Instagram and she is also featured on many top network marketing podcasts such as MLM Nation with Simon Chan and The Legacy Leadership Show with Tom & Adrian Chenault.    

She is a keynote speaker for many network marketing companies and has also shared the stage with top network marketing trainers Jessica Higdon, Marina Simone, Kimberly Olson, Chalene Johnson and John & Nadya Melton.  She has also been part of countless network marketing summits for the industry hosted by Frazer Brookes, Rob Sperry and many more.

She's been featured on a New York Times Billboard for leading a top team as a direct seller and also had one of her Youtube videos featured on the Today Show.  

Michelle has tens of thousands of students who have purchased her courses and have seen life-changing results.

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

Even though this is the first ever Beautifully Branded Bootcamp...

Here's What Students Are Saying About Michelle's Trainings:

Ready To Be The Next Success Story?

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

Got Questions? Here's Answers:

 When will the training be held live?

You can catch the first training LIVE: Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

When you sign up, you'll be sent an email with a link to join us live for the bootcamp.

 But I'm new and not sure if this is what I need?

Perfect. You’re perfect for this training.  It's everything I learned when I was new to finally get into action. It's a solid game plan for anyone brand new or looking for a solid system to follow.

 But I've been in the profession forever and not sure if this will be different from other trainings I've taken.

Training is never out for the pro.  This will ignite a fire in your business.

And yes, there will be some back to basics type training in here that you may have heard before, but there will be tons of scripts and emails and graphics from Canva that you may not have.  And the best part is that there is also tons of brand new training in here.

Every month, I scour the internet to find genius online influencers who are crushing it on social media.  And I connect with them and learn from them. And, last month I uncovered a TON of simple strategies you can use on social media to bring in sales on autopilot. 

So, you'll be learning the latest and greatest strategies you can use and apply today. Plus, today I am an internet marketer that's generated multiple seven figures in the past few years using social media, so I know a thing or two about automated sales and I love sharing strategies with you.

YES! I WANT TO ENROLL IN THE FREE BOOTCAMP! Starts On Monday, September 9th at 1pm EST

Copyright © 2024 - Michelle Cunningham LLC